Well I should know by now that the aviation industry is a strange one, that throws curve balls at you from time to time! Now I find myself writing this from Saskatoon in my apartment with just an air mattress. I'm waiting for the moving truck to arrive with all of my worldly possessions. What caused this move across the country?
I was on a tour of the War Museum in Ottawa with my Fiancee (who arrives here on April 4th) and a friend when my phone rang. On the other end was a gentlemen from the Saskatchewan Air Ambulance Service. This came as a surprise to me as I had sent my resume in for consideration more than two months earlier. Usually if you hear nothing for two months, it's safe to say that you didn't get the job... Needless to say this was not the case. They invited me out to Saskatoon for an interview the next week. Fast forward...
The night before the interview was painful. I studied for 3 weeks leading up to this moment. When I woke up the next morning it was go time. The interview process involved a written test and about one hour of questions asked by two operations managers. I was nervous as hell right up until I flipped the test over and noticed that the studying had paid off right from the start! The rest of the process was smooth sailing, although it still had my nerves on edge.
A few weeks later the job offer came through and I accepted.. I'm now employed as a King Air 200 First Officer here in Saskatoon and I've been here for a month. With my face buried in books preparing for the PPC and such, it gets busy.. The first week was all about company paperwork and procedures, and now we're digging into the aircraft systems and SOP's. What a great experience so far! Very educational.
So stay tuned for updates as I get checked out on the 200 and learn all about the health care system here in Saskatchewan.
This will be exciting...!