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Flying has been in my blood since birth. I have yet to find anything that compares to leaving the surface of the earth and exploring the sky!

Monday, 2 May 2011

A new season begins..

Well it's that time of year again. The trees are starting to show signs of life and the grass is getting green! This is the signal that my flying season is beginning. I fly all year long, but I only get paid to fly during the summer. The winter is filled with ski flying and some trips to far away places with my dad, but the long days and long hours in the air start in May. As the check pilot at Mile High, my jump flying starts slightly earlier than the others, since I have to get recurrent on the Cessna 205 by doing my 3 touch & go's and dropping a few jumpers before I can check anyone out.

The checkout here is quite simple... All that's required is one hour of flight time and a quick ground quiz on emergency procedures, then the pilots are good to go for another year. It's my first year as the check pilot here, so it's been quite a fun time!

Now that everyone is checked out here at Mile High, we can begin our regular operations and I can start to rapidly build my time up to that "magic" 1000 hour mark. I hope the next few weeks are good to me!

So I hope for blue sky on the weekend, and IFR flying during the week... The perfect balance!

Pilot Mark...!